March 11th, 2003

This view shows the "kissing hole". We are looking across the immersion pool toward the bor, which is beyond it. The rectangular block of wood protruding from the wall of the bor toward the viewer will be removed after the concrete is poured. We will then have a rectangular passage between the bor and the immersion pool. This is the kissing hole. The term suggests that the water in the bor touches the water in the immersion pool and communicates its qualities to the immersion water. Remember that the bor is filled with rainwater, which has the ability to remove tumah from an object bathed in it. The immersion pool, on the other hand, will be filled with ordinary tapwater, which initially cannot do that. However, when the water in the bor touches the water in the immersion pool and to some extent mixes with it, it communicates its virtue to the tapwater in which we immerse.

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